
All examples are in the QWERTY layout.


Plural: SFBs. Stands for Same Finger Bigram. Describes when the same finger is used to press two keys. Example: ED


Plural: SFSs/dSFBs. Stands for Same Finger Skipgram/disjointed Same Finger Bigram. Describes when the same finger is used to press two keys, but, there is another key in between that does not use the same finger. Example: GOT


Short: Alt. Describes when a series of keys are pressed by opposing hands one after another. Example: LAKE


Short: Red | Plural: Redirects/Reds. Describes key sequences against a common direction on one hand. Example: YOU

Weak/Bad Redirect

Short: Weak/Bad Red | Plural: Weak/Bad Reds / Weak/Bad Redirects. Describes key sequences against a common direction not involving an index finger on one hand. Example: SAD


Plural: Rolls. Describes two key presses on the same hand with different fingers, followed by another keypress on the opposing hand. Example: POT


Plural: Inrolls/Outrolls. Describes a type of roll; Inrolls involve the two key presses "moving" towards the center of the keyboard, while outrolls involve the two key presses "moving" away. Example: POT (in) vs OPT (out)


Short: Oneh. Describes three key sequences moving in the same direction on one hand. Can also be described as in or out. Example: JKL (in) vs LKJ (out)


Plural: LSBs. Stands for Lateral Stretch Bigram. Describes two keys being pressed by adjacent fingers, but requires a horizontal stretch of one key length (or more) between the fingers. Example: ET


Short: FSB (Full Scissor Bigram) | Plural: Scissors. Describes two keys being pressed by adjacent fingers, but requires the fingers to be on opposite rows. Example: WZ

Half Scissors***

Short: HSB (Half Scissor Bigram) | Plural: Half-Scissors. Describes two keys being pressed by adjacent fingers, but one finger is on the homerow while the other is not. Example: DR

nU ___

Describes a special varient of some terminology that extends beyond one key length. Example: 2U SFS = SFS that requires the repeated finger to move two key units, 1.6U LSB = LSB that requires a 1.6U seperation between the fingers, etc.


Describes a given set of characters whether that be words, sentences, or entire books.

Alt Fingering

Short: Alting. Describes the act of pressing certain keys with atypical fingers due to better efficiency or comfort. Example: Pressing R with the middle finger and E with the ring finger in "GREAT".

Additional Notes

* Redirects have debated effects.

** Scissors have some motions that some do not consider as scissors. Ex. Scissors involving index, etc.

*** Most do not consider as an issue; primarily a "nice to have."